Dragon Spirit Coaching Specializes in Helping People Who Are…
Ready to move from where they are today to where they would like to be in their lives or their careers.
We work with individuals who are:
New and experienced small business owners…
People seeking career advancement…
Individuals recovering from chronic illness…
Busy adults who are seeking support, guidance and insight into their life situations…
Despite the differences in their situations, the majority of our clients share similar values and goals. They are people who care about excellence, whether it's in their personal and family lives or related to their careers. They want to be a part of good things in the world, either by creating them or by being part of a solution!
Some of our clients are in tune with the kind of contribution they'd like to make in the world, whether it's through their own small business, at home in their family life or in a new career they've yet to begin. Others are in the process of discovering what it is they want and need in order to experience the success they know they're seeking.
Small Business Owner Clients
The small business owners we work with are individuals who want to be well known for what they do.
They want to be "The Person to Call" in their industries! Whether they're just starting out or they've owned their own business for some time, they are people who want to be successful at what they do. They want to feel within themselves that they're meeting the level of success they're after. And they want a strong inner sense of success, satisfaction and joy.
Clients Seeking Career Advancement
Individuals we work with who are seeking to advance their careers want more for themselves in terms of new challenges and experiences. They know they're good at what they do, but they are open and eager to learn new things!
Individuals Recovering from a Chronic Illness
What our chronically ill clients want most is to step back into life again! They want to stop feeling like their lives are focused on their illness.
They realize being able to step back into the world and be productive is central to their health and an important step in their recovery.
The recovering chronically ill men and women we help want to re-connect with people again, be productive and feel good about what they're doing. They want to be good at something, even if they're not yet sure what that something is!
Busy Adults Seeking SoundBytes™ of Support
The individuals we work with are usually leading very busy lives doing different things. What they value most is being able to keep moving forward, learning, growing andexperiencing the many things they want to do.
Oftentimes, these clients are trying to figure out what exactly it is they want to do in life. They're in an exploratory stage they may want to delve into more deeply.
Our SoundBytes clients are individuals who want to be able to check in with someone who can act as a non-judgmental sounding board now and again. These individuals realize friends and family members can’t always serve as a resource for support, guidance or insight.
Dragon Spirit Coaching works with many different clients, some of whom know what they want but don’t know how to get there, while others feel clueless about the direction they should go.
Regardless of whether you know exactly where you're at and where you want to go or you're unsure about your needs and what you want to achieve, Dragon Spirit Coaching can help you identify and achieve your goals!
I have been working with Iola since 2007. She is very genuine, generous and I have so much respect for her. Over these past few years she has helped me set goals and achieve them. She has also helped me move forward and take steps that I never thought were possible. She is very creative and fun to work with and that is why I recommend her work to anyone who is looking to advance and move forward in life.
Pamela Vancil, CCh
Certified Colon Hydrotherapist
Do the following life and business scenarios sound familiar to you?
Scenario #1: I'm a Clinical Psychologist and for years, I dreamed of starting my own business. I finally took the leap a few months ago, and I love having my own practice! The big problem is, I'm struggling with figuring out how to connect with new clients and get people through the door. I have fewer clients than I'd like, but I'm working longer and longer days trying to take care of things I never knew were involved in running a business. I wish there was a way to put all of this in perspective and get things under control. I just want to get back to doing more of what I love – helping clients!
Scenario #2: I'm an electrician with my own business and I'm doing OK. But work isn't flowing in as steadily as it used to. I tried talking to my wife about some ideas I have on ways to drum up new business, like expanding into solar energy. Instead of getting some support or constructive feedback, all I managed to do was stress her out! I still don't know if my ideas are good or not, and now I feel like even though she means well, my wife doesn't understand what's going on with my business at all. I need to fix my business problems, but now I also want to find a way to relate to my wife so I can involve her in some parts of my business without overwhelming her!
 Scenario #3: I was first diagnosed with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome four years ago, but my illness has consumed my thoughts and my time since I first started feeling sick six years before that. I may never be my old self again, but right now I’m ready for a new lease on life! I'm tired of being stuck feeling scared and frustrated about what I'm going to do and how I'm going to cope. I'm tired of feeling stressed about being a burden on my friends and family. I want to be productive for a change and do something I feel good about, but I know I have to be careful not to overdo things. I wish there was a way to find the support I need from someone who understands the balancing act I feel I need to pull off!
Scenario #4: I've struggled with kidney disease for years, but I've worked hard to improve my health and follow through with all my treatments. I'm not fully recovered, but I've finally gotten past a lot of the biggest obstacles to leading a "normal" life, and I'm starting to feel excited about the future! For the first time in ages, I'm ready to put my health problems behind me and find something that helps me feel alive and energized! I'm not sure what I want to do, but I know I'm ready to find a way to start feeling productive in life again.
Scenario #5: For most of my adult life, I felt my true passion and calling was to have a career as an audiologist, and I finally completed the training I needed to get started. My field is very specialized, so when job opportunities pop up there's always a lot of competition. Every time I go on an interview, I walk in the door feeling afraid and the whole time during the interview, I feel like I'm messing things up! If I'm ever going to have my dream job, I've got to find and develop the skills I need to get past the interview stage.
Scenario #6: I work as a human resources manager and my salary has been cut three times in the last 2 years! I'm at a loss as to what to do about finding a better job. My family can't make it on my salary anymore, but my wife's recovering from cancer and can't work right now. Between her recovery expenses and my salary cuts, we're now dipping into our savings on a monthly basis just to get by. I've papered the Internet with my resume and sent it out to every company and organization I can think of, but I haven't gotten one single response. I need to know what I'm doing wrong with my resume, my cover letters, or maybe I'm just not applying for the right jobs? Something's wrong because what I'm doing isn't working, and my family needs a solution fast!
Scenario #7: I'm a 29 year old airline attendant and I lead a very hectic lifestyle traveling on short notice to all different places. I love my career, but sometimes I'm uncertain about other aspects of my life, like where I want to live or what's going on with relationships I'm in. I'm interested in personal coaching, but I don't really have the time to connect with a coach often and I'm not sure I need long drawn out sessions. It would be great if there was a way I could check in with a coach for a few minutes here and there, online or on the phone, just when I feel like I need to!
 Scenario #8: I'm in graduate school studying full-time for my MBA, and I also have a part time job and a very active social life. At times it feels like certain areas of my life are slipping out of control, or things start to get muddled up. I try to talk to my friends about what's on my mind, but it's impossible for them to give really objective advice! What I need is some direction or insight that could help me make better decisions for myself. Maybe some guidance on time management would help too. I've thought about coaching, but I don't have time for or any interest in hours and weeks of sessions! What I want is a 15 minute session here and there with someone I can turn to as needed.
If any of these scenarios sound familiar and you can relate, we can help you!
Iola has the rare and wonderful traits of deep caring and true understanding of her clients needs...and just plain old "know how" when it comes to business and marketing. She is holistic in her approach...knowing that being successful in any and all aspects of life, is, in the last analysis, an inner process. A wonderful coach in the true sense of the word.
Marjorie Van Name
Dress Your Home For Sale
Real Estate Enhancement Services
Erie, Colorado
Clients who are in small business, seeking career advancement or are recovering
from a chronic illness will be successful working with Dragon Spirit Coaching if they...
Are serious about what they want and ready to do the work necessary to take them where they want go.
 Believe in and are committed to excellence in what they do.
Feel a strong desire to contribute to the world in whatever way they believe is most important.
Are prepared to communicate when they need help and ask for the assistance they need.
Busy adults are likely to be successful as our clients if they…
Recognize and prefer the value that short, 15 minute SoundByte coaching sessions can add to their lives.
If all we've described sounds like you, then we may be a good fit to work together. Contact us today to schedule your phone consultation.