Dragon Spirit Life Coaching and Business Coaching Services
We offer the following coaching and consultation services to our clients:
• Coaching for Small Business Owners
• Coaching for Those Seeking Career Change or Advancement
• Coaching for Those Recovering from Chronic Illness
• Coaching for Busy Adults
Simply click on the links above to jump to the section and service that interests you. And for more information, be sure to learn who we work with and how we work with our clients.
Coaching and Consultation for Small Business Clients
Are you thinking about starting a small business or do you already have your own small business? If so, you probably recognize that help with planning for consistent and long-term success is a must.
You may be very excited about what you do or what you want to do with your small business, but you're facing many challenges:
You're not sure how to map out a business plan for the next several years because you're unsure about the present-day plan.
You jumped into your business without much planning in place, but now a lack of financial resources has become a source of frustration and strain.
You would like some help with balancing your business and your personal life.
 You feel like in starting your own business, you've accomplished little more than creating another job for yourself.
You’re hungry to do something really positive in the world with your business and in your personal life.
You've started a business in one area, but you now realize it's really not the right business for you.
If one or a combination of these challenges is holding you back and preventing you from reaching your fullest potential and highest goals with your small business…then Iola Freeland can help.
Iola has a passion for helping small business owners!
When you work with Iola you'll gain a greater understanding of the most important parts of your business.
Whether you're struggling with understanding how to run your business, how to increase sales, how to ease stress levels and reconnect with your passion, or find the balance you're missing…Iola has the solutions to help you and your small business!
Contact us today or use the book now button below to schedule your initial phone consultation to see if Dragon Spirit Coaching is right for you!

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Strategizing to improve marketing and usage of my library with the use of some special software, Iola helped me to develop a plan to increase usage of my school library. She was very insightful and I came away with some workable strategies to achieve my goals. Highly recommended.
Loretta Johnson
Jordan, New York
Coaching and Consultation for Individuals Seeking Career Change or Advancement
No matter how bad the work environment at your current job is, you may feel there's no way you can afford to leave today. If you're out of work, getting a job in today's job market may seem impossible.
 Do you have a degree or are you specialized in a field, but you feel bored, frustrated and stuck with what you're doing?
Are you unsure about where you are today and the direction you'd like to go next with your career?
Have you sent your resume out to numerous places, but received little or no response? Has interviewing been a stumbling block for you?
Are you wondering if your resume really is the best it can be, or are you unsure how to craft a good cover letter—or when to even use a cover letter?
You may be thinking about career advancement coaching because you want more for yourself and your family in life. No matter what your current situation is, you would like someone to help push you to do your best.
If so, Dragon Spirit Coaching can help put you back in control of your Career!
Iola will help you land that new job or advance in your career.
From giving you feedback to ace that interview or helping you get very clear on how to reach your career and financial goals, Iola specializes in helping those looking for change or advancement in their jobs.
Contact us today or use the book now button below to schedule your initial phone consultation to see if Dragon Spirit Coaching is right for you!

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Thank you very much for being such a sensitive lady who challenges me to be playful and courageous in my new empowerment. The understanding of what many possible roles there are for me is awesome. It is such a pleasure to get nudges to be open to new possibilities and learning without the judgments.
Howard Smartt
Denver, Colorado
Coaching and Consultation for Those Recovering from a Chronic Illness
If you've suffered with a chronic illness, you know how setbacks can keep you from moving forward even when it's what you truly want. You may feel like you're just not ready to hire a coach, but you're uncertain you'll be able to move forward to pursue the dreams and desires you have for your life on your own.
 Do you feel in doubt and fearful about the future, while your life in the present feels out of balance and at times, overwhelming and unmanageable?
As you've experienced ongoing fatigue and continual setbacks with your health, has your financial situation suffered?
If you’ve been out of work for a while due to illness, are you eager to rejoin the work force?
 Do you feel that you should have accomplished more by now than you have, or that your vision of how you would like to be doesn't match what you're able to do today?
Are you hungry to be well and eager to be doing something that feels good and positive in your life?
If you're recovering from a chronic illness, you may be craving interaction with someone who understands the struggles and doubts you’ve been experiencing. Someone who can help in understanding what the next step is so you can regain a sense of balance, confidence, trust and calm in your life. Iola Freeland and Dragon Spirit Coaching can help!
We specialize in coaching those who are recovering from a chronic illness such as Chronic Fatigue.
Iola will work with you at a level and pace you feel comfortable with.
You won't be overwhelmed with expectations, information and tasks. Iola will meet you where you are and begin the journey to get you where you want to be…at your pace and on your terms!
Contact us today or use the book now button below to schedule your initial phone consultation to see if Dragon Spirit Coaching is right for you!

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Iola has the rare and wonderful traits of deep caring and true understanding of her clients needs...and just plain old "know how" when it comes to business and marketing. She is holistic in her approach...knowing that being successful in any and all aspects of life, is, in the last analysis, an inner process. A wonderful coach in the true sense of the word.
Marjorie Van Name
Dress Your Home For Sale
Real Estate Enhancement Services
Erie, Colorado
SoundBytes™ of Support
If you're a busy adult, and you have questions, want some guidance or think you'd like some coaching, but you're not sure if it's right for you…SoundBytes of Support is the answer.
SoundBytes are short, 15 minute telephone consultations you schedule and arrange on an as needed basis. This service was created specifically for those who are new to coaching or just want a few minutes of coaching by phone.
 You may have questions about your career or where you live, roommates, parents and what your passion truly is.
Your life is a bit chaotic and you need some help to make sense of it when making decisions.
You want help understanding your next step. Maybe you have a lot of decisions to make and you're not sure what to choose.
 You’re seeking help in understanding how to get back a sense of balance, control, confidence and calm in your life.
Your life feels like it’s a mess and you're wanting help in creating order out of chaos.
Your perception of time management is that of a rigid, alien concept for people who don't have any fun. You quite frankly, don't have time for it!
SoundBytes was created for busy individuals who don’t have time for lengthy coaching sessions, and for those who want to try coaching for the first time without the long-term commitment.
As a coach, Iola can help you discover and define what it is you want and how to get there.
You may feel like you'd just like some answers, but you aren't interested in making long term financial commitments to get the information or solutions you need. You want someone who will listen to what you have been experiencing and give you guidance and feedback about how to move forward or what to do…that's what you get with SoundBytes.
It's fast, easy to schedule and very low cost. There are no extra fees, no contracts or other obligations. All you need is to know the area you want to explore and you're ready to get started!
Contact us today or use the book now button below for rates and to schedule your SoundBytes™ session. Once you have scheduled your appointment, click on the green Order Now Securely via Paypal button below to submit your payment. Payment must be received prior to the start of your appointment.

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Dragon Spirit Coaching and Consultation Menu of Services and Tools
Your exact coaching experience will involve utilizing processes and possibly certain tools that are uniquely suited to your situation and goals:
Discovery Strategy Session: Every coaching service starts with a Discovery Strategy Session, which is our first session working together. One of the most important things we accomplish during this session involves exploring and defining your values. You'll begin to understand how your values work with the direction you'd like to go and how they play a vital key role in creating the optimum strategy for accomplishing your goals.
Time Management Sorcery: This stand-alone service allows those who want a more focused and in depth approach to time management to understand and master this aspect of their lives. You’ll learn to identify exactly what types of changes will help you to alleviate common time crunch stressors in your day. If you are wanting a much more efficient and stronger grasp on your day-to-day schedule, this is the course for you!
Visioning: This visualization tool is very powerful for pre-planning phases of development. It's excellent for envisioning career and business possibilities, and can create an immediate and stronger sense of well-being. Visioning is an especially helpful tool for career advancement clients and those recovering from a chronic illness.
Mind Mapping: We train clients to utilize this valuable technique outside of appointments for exploring and developing plans and ideas.
ChangeGrid:This tool can be used to gain extremely insightful and useful information before attempting to make a change. Through the process you will clarify your objectives, inventory your readiness to succeed, identify and eliminate the obstacles that prevent you from getting what you want most, and most importantly…you'll become a finisher in a world of starters!
It may be used by businesses to discover and outline exactly what is happening within a company prior to trying to making expensive staff improvements. ChangeGrids can be very eye-opening, as they can identify exactly how staff members and supervisors view each other and themselves. This in turn makes it much easier to know what corrections to make to drive up productivity and promote greater understanding between staff and management.
Vision Board: Once created, this tool is a visual aid that helps clients maintain a powerful point of focus which can be changed as progress is made to reflect newly identified goals and directions.
True Brainstorming: This tool can be shockingly informative and insightful when used correctly. We teach you the true brain-storming process as opposed to the far less effective version typically used in organizations.
Life Wheel Exploration: This tool can provide a true snapshot of a current situation – a true picture of a moment in time. This helps with clarifying and defining what is working or going well and what is not.
Goal Planning and Strategizing: This is a tool that may be used for planning the best approach for meeting your goals. This is very helpful for career change, career advancement, and small business clients, and can be useful for other client goals as well.
Whatever tools are utilized throughout your coaching, you'll be provided with all of the materials and training you need to make them work for you!
If you're ready to achieve the goals and dreams you want out of your life and career, we can help! Contact us today to get started.