Testimonials, Success Stories and Raving Fans
Here's what a few current and past clients say about working with Iola Freeland and Dragon Spirit Coaching…
I have been working with Iola since 2007. She is very genuine, generous and I have so much respect for her. Over these past few years she has helped me set goals and achieve them. She has also helped me move forward and take steps that I never thought were possible. She is very creative and fun to work with and that is why I recommend her work to anyone who is looking to advance and move forward in life.
Pamela Vancil, CCh
Certified Colon Hydrotherapist
Strategizing to improve marketing and usage of my library with the use of some special software, Iola helped me to develop a plan to increase usage of my school library. She was very insightful and I came away with some workable strategies to achieve my goals. Highly recommended.
Loretta Johnson
Jordan, New York
I have worked with Iola at Dragon Spirit Coaching for awhile and my experience in working with her is that she is a deeply caring person and highly competent in helping me to (stay) on track. I would recommend her to anyone wanting to move ahead in their life.
Pam Hughes
HarpSong International
Lakewood, CO
Iola guided my first session to what my needs were, using tools that fit to my interests and where I naturally needed this session to go. I left with a sense of forward movement, a clearer vision and some ideas for our next meeting, including ways to continue to build on the great momentum we have!
Kirsten Louy-Nasty
Boulder, Colorado
On a day when I was wondering how I was going to take some very important next steps in my life I picked up a magazine with an article about coaching by Iola Freeland. She asked in that article, "Are you ready to re-ignite your passion for life"? I decided to give coaching a try, and I am on my way to possibilities I never knew existed!
Iola has been a support, a confidante, a listener and a challenger throughout the coaching process. I would encourage anyone who wants to move forward in his or her life to work with her. It's definitely one of the best choices I've ever made.
Donna Barr
Senior Paralegal
Legal Aid Society of Hawaii
Iola has the rare and wonderful traits of deep caring and true understanding of her clients needs...and just plain old "know how" when it comes to business and marketing. She is holistic in her approach...knowing that being successful in any and all aspects of life, is, in the last analysis, an inner process. A wonderful coach in the true sense of the word.
Marjorie Van Name
Dress Your Home For Sale
Real Estate Enhancement Services
Erie, Colorado
Thank you very much for being such a sensitive lady who challenges me to be playful and courageous in my new empowerment. The understanding of what many possible roles there are for me is awesome. It is such a pleasure to get nudges to be open to new possibilities and learning without the judgments.
Howard Smartt
Denver, Colorado
If you're ready to experience phenomenal results like our clients have, then contact us today to schedule your initial phone consultation to discuss how we can help you.
Here's what others say about ChangeWorks!®... Change Management System…
Strategizing to improve marketing and usage of my library. With the use of some special software (ChangeGrid) , Iola helped me to develop a plan to increase usage of my school library. She was very insightful and I came away with some workable strategies to achieve my goals. Highly recommended.
Loretta Johnson
Jordan, New York
The ChangeGrid™ gave me tangible examples of how to really change the paradigm in my mind about important aspects of my business. Just amazingly powerful insights. There's so much power here it's unbelievable.
Vanessa Higgins
CEO, Ala Carte HR Services
Fabulous. My ChangeGrid reading was the best investment of time that I've spent on my business. I was thrilled when I got off the phone with the insights that helped me personally and business wise. He was so bang on with so many things. I have no doubt about the value of the ChangeGrid to get a business going.”
Desiree Bauer
Certified HBDI Practitioner
I'd like to again thank you for the opportunity to take the business assessment. It offered more value than I expected. There was a combination of data, insight, suggestion, and general conversation that continues to have an impact on my work today.
Debra Raybold
That Essential Spark
The ChangeGrid provided a detailed snapshot of how I see my business requirements changing. The tool has deep roots. It is
a very useful Self-inventory of how my personal needs and business objectives are intersecting as I examine future choices. The feedback was a VERY good use of my time!
Claudia M. Shelton
The Hopewell Group, LLC
If you are thinking of taking ChangeGrid Assessment, DO IT! It is profound, and deeper than any assessment I've ever taken. If you are ready to seriously assess your business you must take the time to do this.
Sandy Dumont
President NSA Virginia
I like the way the ChangeGrid is arranged so when being debriefed you understand the inter-linkages and ramifications. It pinpoints both strengths and weaknesses and is done in a safe, caring manner. Thank you for the privilege.
Barbara Semeniuk
Consultant, Purcell Enterprise
I am amazed at how POWERFUL a tool the ChangeGrid report was. The first step to solving a problem is to acknowledge it and the ChangeGrid hit me at a place that I didn't want to deal with. I was amazed how accurate it was, how and where I need to act and improve on (NOT the areas I was focusing on - by the way!!!) It is absolutely the best thing I have done for my self, my career and my company AND, it only cost me a little time.
Donna Baylor
Speaker, Coach, Transition Seminars
This was the first time I experienced a formal business assessment tool that went straight to the core. What I discovered about the inner workings of my Business and how I contribute to its performance was exactly what I needed to hear. In fact, this assessment is so powerful; I actually had solutions surfacing that totally surprised me. Like having my own private Oracle!
Patricia Ogilvie
President, CAPS, Edmonton Chapter, Alberta, Canada
Experiencing the ChangeGrid gave me a "rubber hits the road moment", perspective, a challenge to validate the results within myself and ask, "what do I really want to do now"? If you are a practitioner that relies on what lies within you to be successful you can’t afford not to take the opportunity to complete the ChangeGrid.
Mark E. Hershman, MCC
President & Owner, Hershman Associates
The ChangeGrid was VERY GOOD. It hit points right on and helped me to focus on areas that I knew needed more attention. I know everyone is very busy these days but the investment of their time is more than worth it.
Joy Jackson
Cunnart Associates
My ChangeGrid™ reading was among the half dozen best sessions with a human development professional I've ever had. I simply didn't foresee how deep, precise, and practicallytrenchant the assessment would be.
Richard Freis
If you're ready to experience phenomenal results like these, learn more about ChangeGrid then contact us today to schedule your initial phone consultation to discuss how we can help you.