About Iola Freeland and Dragon Spirit Coaching
Iola Freeland knew exactly how she wanted to help others professionally years before the term "coaching" came into existence.
She knew she wanted to help people find what they were looking for and give them the tools they needed to be able to take the next step, move forward and achieve their goals more independently.
Iola had already identified all of the elements of "coaching" when one day, a friend came across the term and suggested it was the career she'd defined for herself without naming it.
Iola dove right into what was already her life calling, founding Dragon Spirit Coaching in 2001.
The name Dragon Spirit reflects a combination of Iola's coaching style and the impact she has on clients. In feedback on her coaching, Iola again and again hears her clients talk about the "fire" she starts for them, the wisdom she helps them discover and the "fearless" attitude she inspires. The mythology of the ancient dragon is the ideal embodiment of the deep spirit and energy that's at the heart of Iola's coaching style. It's also the perfect symbol of the forward movement, fearlessness, depth and power her clients are able to draw on to achieve their goals.
Iola began Dragon Spirit Coaching in 2001 and has coached clients full-time since then.
Since she began coaching full time, Iola has completed the full range of hands-on, experiential training programs available through the Coaches Training Institute in California. Each program has allowed her to deepen and broaden her coaching. She graduated from the Institute's one year certification program in 2005.
I have been working with Iola since 2007. She is very genuine, generous and I have so much respect for her. Over these past few years she has helped me set goals and achieve them. She has also helped me move forward and take steps that I never thought were possible. She is very creative and fun to work with and that is why I recommend her work to anyone who is looking to advance and move forward in life.
Pamela Vancil, CCh
Certified Colon Hydrotherapist
Iola has always enjoyed challenging herself and as a result, she's able to draw on a wide variety of life experiences in her work. From hot air ballooning to zipping across a canyon on a single cable to soaring in a glider plane over the Flatirons in Boulder, Colorado, Iola Freeland has definitely known and lived many extremes in her life.
Iola has always found going into the unknown and doing things she's never experienced before thrilling. This deep curiosity, passion and fearlessness are a tremendous plus for her coaching clients. In the past, Iola trained to be able to lead groups into the wilderness on outdoor adventuring trips—a near perfect analogy for her work as a coach!
Since high school, Iola has enjoyed the challenge of beach volleyball and the physical challenges and strategy the game requires when played on sand. Her expertise at combining insight, strategy and action in beach volleyball is a valuable skill Iola relies on in her coaching.
Beach volleyball is just one of the competitive sports Iola finds rewarding. Fencing, dance competitions and football are some of the other activities that have allowed her to develop and hone valuable intuitive skills. Whether facing an intimidating fencing partner or tackling a "big boy" opponent in flag football, Iola never fails to keep her eye on her goal and do whatever it takes to be successful.
Iola finds a certain inner joy and satisfaction in being able to identify where she wants to go, then getting there without being concerned about "how" it's going to happen.
In competitive sports, her opponents and team mates often respond to athletic feats Iola manages to pull off with amazement, awe and even a puzzlement she often shares!
Intuitiveness, strength and faith in her ability to succeed are three aspects of Iola's personality that make competitive sports so personally appealing, and they also serve her well in coaching. Iola considers rock climbing while blindfolded to be one of the most sensual experiences she's ever had. It's a true test of one's ability to rely on strength and instinct to push forward through the unknown to reach a goal that's not even within physical sight.
In addition to competitive and physical sports, exercising the mind is another one of Iola's favorite pursuits. She practices meditation to create flexibility and agility in the mind much as physical activities do for the body.
Reading and writing are other pursuits Iola relies on to exercise the mind. She also practices Shamanic Drumming and is currently studying herbs, Iridology and the Rayid Method.
Gardening is another one of the quieter activities Iola enjoys as it provides a way to connect with the earth and its vibrancy. Watching things grow and produce is a source of joy for Iola. She also feels a very deep connection with animals which she finds very rewarding. Iola was able to draw on her ability to connect with animals to help her adopted cat Maui overcome fear aggression. His past is now completely behind him and he enjoys a relaxed, peaceful and loving life with humans.
Iola has the rare and wonderful traits of deep caring and true understanding of her clients needs...and just plain old "know how" when it comes to business and marketing. She is holistic in her approach...knowing that being successful in any and all aspects of life, is, in the last analysis, an inner process. A wonderful coach in the true sense of the word.
Marjorie Van Name
Dress Your Home For Sale
Real Estate Enhancement Services
Erie, Colorado
One of the most challenging experiences Iola has faced in her life was the care of both of her parents during sickness and prior to their passing. Due to a variety of circumstances, Iola was the family member who provided the more personal aspects of her mother's care during the end of her illness. She was at her mother's bedside when she passed in 1986.
Iola considers caring for her mother and being present at her passing a profound and tremendous learning experience that helped her prepare for her father's illness years later.
He needed help the last 10 years of his life until he passed in December of 2009. Although caring for both parents was always a group effort, Iola was the family member best suited and able to provide the care they needed during illness.
Providing care for her parents and being present during both of their passings enhanced Iola's ability to empathize with and support the well-being of others. Her experiences also greatly increased her knowledge of the healthcare system as well as the legal system regarding elderly care.
Iola's compassion and desire to help her coaching clients are genuine.
They are based on many different and powerful experiences in her own life. One of the most important things Iola has gained from her life experiences is a profound sense of every person's humanity.
Iola fully understands everyone is a human being with imperfections—including herself! For Iola, imperfections aren't shocking, they're natural! Regardless of what her clients need to talk about or face, they can trust in Iola to provide non-judgmental, professional and emphathetic coaching support.
Although her life involves many varied, intense and at times extreme activities and experiences, the most satisfying moments for Iola are when she's in service to others.
“Nothing compares to helping someone experience a whole new view of themselves and their life.” says Iola. “Sometimes people become jaded and bored with life. I help people discover the exciting things life has in store for them. Once they see what’s there, it’s so exciting to watch their eyes light up and their own sense of passion get re-awakened. Life starts to look fresh and new to them again and they can’t wait to get started on their new path!”
Iola guided my first session to what my needs were, using tools that fit to my interests and where I naturally needed this session to go. I left with a sense of forward movement, a clearer vision and some ideas for our next meeting, including ways to continue to build on the great momentum we have!
Kirsten Louy-Nasty
Boulder, Colorado
For Iola, coaching is much more than a profession–it's a source of fun, enjoyment and satisfaction. What's most enjoyable for Iola is working side by side with others throughout the coaching experience and sharing it rather than leading or following.
Some Life Achievements and Experiences Iola Has Enjoyed:
Trained Professional Co-Active Coach through The Coaches Training Institute
B.J. in Public Relations from The University of Texas at Austin
Top sales associate for AT&T
Corporate Account Management
Lifelong competitive volleyball player
Outdoor Leadership Training for Wilderness Survival
Trained Victim Advocate
Trained in helping adults learn how to read – Literacy Program
River Raft Racing
A life of adventure and in taking the path less traveled
Owns and operates - Dragon Spirit Coaching, LLC
Conducts Financial Workshops
Iola in the Media:
Featured Article on Iola Freeland
Business Style: Dragon Spirit Coaching
Dragon Spirit Coaching Featured in Women's Edition
Circles Campaign aligns those in need with
Iola is presently involved in a volunteer program called Circles of Allies. As an ally, she befriends and helps to mentor people locally to bridge the gap from poverty to an independent lifestyle. She also is in demand as speaker and loves interacting with her audiences. Currently, Iola is writing a book planned to be published in 2011.
If Iola sounds like the coach you've been looking for, then contact us today to schedule your initial consultation!