Business Coaching and Life Coaching for Success!
Are you searching for life or business coaching that can help you move from where you're at today to where you'd like to be?
Are you looking for support and guidance to help you achieve your wants, desires and dreams? Maybe you've looked at coaching before, but it seemed too overwhelming, fast paced or stressful for your situation or your preferences.
You've landed in a very different place! Dragon Spirit Coaching is very different from other coaching services. We specialize in coaching that’s all about you and what you want and need.
Dragon Spirit Coaching specializes in helping four different types of clients who are:
Small Business Owners…struggling to thrive
Seeking Career Change or Advancement…hitting road blocks
Recovering from a Chronic Illness…working to regain health and balance
Busy Adults…looking for quick and simple solutions to life challenges
Each of these types of clients are eager to resolve unique problems, challenges or situations that are holding them back from having the life, business and career they want.

If you're a Small Business Owner…you probably recognize that help with planning for consistent and long-term success is a must. You may be very excited about what you do or what you want to do with your small business, but you're facing many challenges. It could be sales and marketing, balancing work and life or feeling stuck trying to do everything yourself. Whatever the challenges, they're holding you back and preventing you from reaching your full potential and highest goals with your small business.
If you're Seeking Career Change or Advancement…you may be doing fine financially, but you’re not happy. Maybe you want more for yourself and your family in life. If you’re not doing so well financially, you may be worried you’ll run out of money before you figure out what to do "when you grow up." In either case, you would like someone to help push you to do your best and plug into the career of your dreams.
If you're recovering from a Chronic Illness… What you want is help in understanding what the next step is so you can regain a sense of balance, confidence and calm in your life. You're hungry to be well and eager to be doing something that feels good and positive in your life.
If you're a Busy Adult…you may have questions, want a little guidance or think you'd like coaching, but you're not sure if it's right for you. You may have questions about your career, where you live, roommates, parents and what your passion truly is. You may feel like you'd just like some answers, but you aren't interested in making long term financial commitments to get the solutions you need. You may know you'd work best with short appointments, but you've found this type of support isn't readily available.
Dragon Spirit Coaching offers solutions to these wants, desires and issues.
Whether you need guidance with your small business, you're seeking help with career advancement, chronic illness has thrown you off balance, or just want a quick coaching call to stay on track, Dragon Spirit Coaching is the answer!
Hello, My name is Iola Freeland…
As a coach, I become excited because I see the unlimited potential you have and it stirs an immense desire in me to help you experience that part of yourself.
It is the part that gets buried by the stresses and distractions of everyday life, the should’s and the have to’s, and the constant barrage of negative thoughts and feelings that are daunting enough to stop even the mighty Hercules in his tracks.
When we work together, some sessions will have big “Aha” moments in them. However, many times the results are accomplished in between sessions. But, no matter when the path becomes clear, I can and will help you get to where you want to go.
Coaching is a powerful tool that helps you discover your personal obstacles and move towards what you want.
You learn how to move forward despite those obstacles (whether they show up in your personal life or business life).
Coaching can help you move light years ahead of where you are now regardless of whether that means moving towards something new or moving past something old.
Are you ready to move forward and achieve the life and business you desire?
Only you can answer this question. There is no pressure for you to hire Dragon Spirit Coaching. But, if you're open to trying something new and different, I invite you to explore this website and see just how far you can really go.
A few places to explore are:
Learn more about who we work with…
Discover how we work with our clients…
Learn about what makes us different…
Dig into and learn about all the services we offer…
Remember: the first step to getting all you want out of life is realizing and accepting there's a solution…sometimes you have to step out of your own way and get out of the forest to see the trees.
If you're ready then contact us today to get started or click the button below to book your consultation online.

Whether you're in our local area or across the country, we can connect by phone in vibrant interactions that will help you succeed in achieving your goals!
